“The local council makes deliberate decisions of important matters in the local government within the range of the national law, and enact ordinance on administrative affairs of the local government as well as function of solving important matters in the district.”
Ordinary meeting
- Meeting: Form of representing members who are directly elected by the citizens
- The First Ordinary Meeting: June, July of every year (However if the final election is held, that year would be separately decided by the resolution during September October)
- The Second Ordinary Meeting: November, December of every year
- Period of meetings: Within 40 days in one year
- Major agenda: Budget deliberation, inspection of administrative affairs, budget approval, etc
Special meeting
- Meeting: When needed
- Period of meetings: Within 15 days of every meeting
- Convene: When requested by more than 1/3 of the members
- The total days of meetings in one year (ordinary meeting + special meetings cannot be more than 120 days.
Special meeting
Ordinary meeting
- Organization: Form of council resolution for evaluation of special agenda
- Convene: President of council, when requested by more than 1/3 of the incumbent members
- Function: Temporary evaluation and handling special agenda
- Type: Special Committee on Budget and Accounts, Special Committee on Inspection of Administrative Affairs, etc
Operation of meetings
Open of meeting
Opened when there is a resolution of council, president or committee, and by request from more than 1/3 of the incumbent members. Opened when there is recognition of necessity by the resolution of council and president, and by request from more than 1/3 of the incumbent members.
Quorum of parliamentary proceedings, Quorum of resolutions
- Quorum of parliamentary proceedings: Opened with attendance more than 1/3 of the incumbent members.
- Quorum of resolution: Resolution by attendance from majority incumbent members and agreement from majority participating members
Meeting evaluation
The evaluation process of community is through explanation of introducing members, examination report from expert committee, question and answer, debate of pros and cons, and resolution (vote). The evaluation result on proposal of the committee is reported in the 4 of the following.
- Report submitted proposals with resolution of the original bill
- Revise the submitted proposal to report in the amendment of the committee
- Abolish the submitted proposal to report in the alternative measures of the committee
- Report the submitted proposal on the grounds of no-submission for consideration (abolishment)